Workouts of the Week 11-04 t/m 16-04
Dinsdag 11-04
AMRAP 20 with a partner:
50 double-unders
1 devils press (35/50 lb)
2 devils presses
3 devils presses
2 devils presses
1 devils presses
– Both partners perform 50 double-unders at the same time. Then partner A performs 1 devils press, partner B performs 1 devils press, partner A performs 2 devils presses, partner B performs 2 devils presses, and so on. After going back down the ladder, partners perform 50 double-unders.
Woensdag 12-04
7 sets for load:
1 front squat + 3 back squats
Donderdag 13-04
6 x 2:00 min rounds:
5 deadlifts (heavy)
Max muscle-ups in the remaining time
– Rest 1:00 between rounds.
– Score both the deadlift and muscle-up (reps).
Vrijdag 14-04
EMOM 16:
Even minutes: max handstand hold
Odd minutes: max L-sit hold
– Score is total cumulative time combined.
Zaterdag 15-04
For time:
Clean and jerks (29/43 kg)
Zondag 16-04
For time:
5 rounds:
15 DB box-overs (15/22.5 kg) (51/61 cm)
200 m run
– Use two DBs for the box-overs.